Lamiaa Laurène Daif

3min to read
What your body knows,
and mind ignores
Accessing your ultimate truth teller.
Photo credit : Brett Jordan from unsplash

Yes, you’re reading it right: your body knows something that your mind ignores and not the other way around.

And that something is the truth. Sometimes, the truth we’re not quite ready to face because it might require drastic changes in our lives, leaving behind what we’ve worked hard for and identified with for something new and unknown. Or simply because we spend most of our days operating on autopilot repeating the same patterns, habits, choices, and thoughts.

Our bodies possess a remarkable superpower – they are incapable of denial.

Unlike our minds, which often become preoccupied with the past regrets or future worries, our bodies remain grounded in the present moment.

They hold the keys to our emotional state, constantly gathering and processing information that our minds simply cannot comprehend.

Our bodies serve as the impeccable record for all our life experiences, whether they are conscious or not.

In many ways, our bodies are like infants – simply and spontaneously communicating their needs, feelings, sensations and focusing on their wellbeing first before sacrificing it for anyone or anything.

I learned this secret the hard way…

It took me years to realize the profound truth that my body had been communicating to me all along. For too long, I ignored the subtle signals it was sending. It wasn’t until these signals intensified and became impossible to ignore that I was forced to finally take notice. In retrospect, I see now that my body was my most loyal ally, always holding the truth and never keeping secrets from me.

As I began to listen to my body more attentively, I discovered an untapped source of power, guidance, and wisdom within myself. I came to the realization that if I wanted to live an authentic life, where I am true to myself and feel inner peace, I needed to turn to my inner lie detector – my ultimate truth-teller. My body is immune to deception, and no one, not even myself, could fool it.

Our bodies have a unique role in our lives, serving as our third parent, reteaching us the valuable lessons we once knew as children. They help us remember how to reconnect with our inner truth, that part of ourselves that often gets drowned out by the noise of the world around us. This reconnection is not meant to discredit the importance of our minds – our minds are powerful tools that play a vital role in our decision-making process. However, sometimes our minds can be too smart and too clever for our own good, concocting stories and narratives that keep us comfortable and safe but ultimately prevent us from experiencing growth, change or authenticity.

So, how can we begin to rebalance our mind and body, and access the superpower that our bodies possess as much as we naturally do with our minds?

What steps can we take to stop ignoring our gut feelings and physical sensations, and start listening to what our bodies are trying to tell us?

How can we cultivate a deeper connection with our bodies, and tap into the truth that our minds may not yet be capable (or willing) to understand?