Lamiaa Laurène Daif

3min to read
A love letter  from my hives.
Yes, our hives love us!
Photo credit : Florian Klauer from unsplash

Have you ever had a perplexing physical problem that keeps coming back? For me, it was hives.

Here is the full version of the love letter from my hives I shared in my TED Talk.


Dear Lamiaa,

For years, I struggled to make my voice heard. You kept putting me on mute while turning up the volume of all other voices around you.

I had no choice but to create this bold red costume aka the “hives”. It’s not your most elegant outfit, but it sure gets the job done when it comes to getting your attention.

Lamiaa, I needed to be there, every time you would look at yourself in the mirror. Every time you would see your body. Every single day.

I know, it’s very uncomfortable and I’m sorry for the itchiness and lack of sleep. But aren’t a few days of discomfort worth years of not losing yourself again?

I used to feel so rejected and misunderstood. I was screaming to you that I was your inner voice, your truth, your intuition, but all I got in return was fear, anger, and resistance.

In the past, I capitulated a few times, like on your wedding day. I remember you praying every night that I wouldn’t make an appearance. It broke my heart. Not because I wasn’t invited, but because it showed how much you doubted yourself.

But I never lost faith in you. I always knew that you would end up reclaiming your power.

Today I’m so grateful because you don’t hate me anymore. You talk to me and even cuddle me sometimes. This makes me so happy. Seeing you slowly understand that I’m not here to annoy you but to guide you. I’m here to force you pause when you’re running in a direction that is not authentic or true to you.

I will not let you down, Lamiaa. I will always be your loyal friend.

I know what you’re thinking – “no more hives PLEAAASE!!!”. Don’t worry, if you see me again, I’ll give you a little secret – all I ask is that you pause and ask me: How do you feel? What do you need? Is there something you’re trying to say that my mind is ignoring?

The answers lie within you, always. Trust yourself to listen and then act upon them. Remember that every time you did, you looked back with pride and gratitude.

I’m thrilled to continue watching you grow and daring to be your whole self again, because that’s where your power is.

With my unconditional love and protection,

Your inner voice (and her fabulous hives costume)